Sales Effectiveness Per Hour
“Those who do not remember the past
are condemned to repeat it.”
George Santayana
The most basic measurement of sales success is revenue per month. With a limited number of hours each month, the measure of success translates to Sales effectiveness per hour. A sales leader’s job is to maximize this metric for their organization through 1) Selection and coaching salespeople and 2) Providing tools and information to be most efficient.
A properly configured Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system provides this efficiency regarding prospects and existing customers. Your CRM should support salespeople in one thing: guiding which contacts to focus on immediately (and each day) so sales effectiveness per hour is maximized. Knowing which prospects to “skip over” today is based on the history of when you’ve contacted that person last and their likelihood to purchase this week or this month. If you don’t have this knowledge available to your salespeople (and for marketing and operations, too) your team is squandering time and less effective.
Sales effectiveness requires employees to keep track of hundreds of potential contacts and dozens of indicators. If your team does not have a system in place that captures this data and converts it to the knowledge of who to contact next, it is time to bring in a Sales Leader that can maximize sales potential.