Posts in Tools/Lists
The Role of Trust in Sales

Salespeople have a serious problem. According to a study, only 3% of prospects trust sales reps. It was a blog titled “Trust,” published some time ago, that got me thinking… How many times have I referenced trust as an essential foundation in sales? Without trust, nothing in society would work.

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Prioritization in Sales

It starts with the long list of the things that need to get done, making sure that everything unnecessary stays off the list. What remains is still way more than there is time in a day. Here are seven simple tips to help you optimize your selling time.

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The 10 Types of Innovation

How do you tell your R&D team that while you value their work, their innovation on Product Performance matters the least to customers? The executive I was with was able to demonstrate how, for his business, a tech company, Customer Engagement was the most impactful type of innovation.

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