Posts tagged customer
The Psychology Of Discounting

When you are discounting, you are saying to your customer that you don’t believe enough in what you’re selling that you think you can sell it for the standard price. As soon as you offer a discount, your prospect immediately loses confidence in you and sees that you don’t stand behind what you’re trying, wholeheartedly, to sell to them.

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The 10 Types of Innovation

How do you tell your R&D team that while you value their work, their innovation on Product Performance matters the least to customers? The executive I was with was able to demonstrate how, for his business, a tech company, Customer Engagement was the most impactful type of innovation.

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The Internal Customer

Treat your internal customers just like you treat your external ones. Treat others like you want to be treated. And think of the entire organization as one team. Because lack of attention towards internal customers is leading to poor customer service, missed deliveries, and lack of growth.

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