Posts tagged decision
Analysis Paralysis

What if I call them and they say "no"? Should I just call to check in …or will that make me look pushy? Based on what I know, I don't think they may be worth my time... If I send them marketing material, they may get annoyed... Well, it's the 4th of July this week, they probably are too busy... 

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Being Deliberate

I like to be deliberate. That means to think or talk something through carefully — it also means weighted and measured, the pace and art of careful decision making. If you chose something deliberately, you make a very conscious, intentional, well-thought-through choice.

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You Have the Choice ...

… now let’s make the Right Decision. A sales team without a leader is like a sports team without a coach. If finding a skilled, experienced sales leader is a top priority, and the urgency of filling the void is recognized, it is the ideal time to bring in …

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6 Practices for Managing Up

Effective managers ideally want to make sure that their bosses make the right decisions… based on accurate, timely, and high-quality information. They want a solid relationship based on mutual understanding and respectful disagreements.

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