Posts in Interim and Fractional

The saying goes “A prophet is not without honor … but in his own country.” An outsider has no roots, and also no baggage. They know nobody, do not need to please anybody, nor do they need to worry about stepping on anybody’s toes. They focus solely on what’s best for the organization.

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You Have the Choice ...

… now let’s make the Right Decision. A sales team without a leader is like a sports team without a coach. If finding a skilled, experienced sales leader is a top priority, and the urgency of filling the void is recognized, it is the ideal time to bring in …

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Gig Executives and the Recovery

The current recovery from the pandemic-induced recession presents a tremendous opportunity for gig-executives ...and businesses who engage them. At a time when a business may not be able to afford more expense than necessary, working with interim executives may just be the smartest thing to do.

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Are You All In?

What I said was: “Their future work relies upon referrals and a successful track record. Interim Executives are paid on the understanding of goals and objectives being performed and delivered, and not merely based on attendance.

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Finding the Perfect Match

Trail blazer, First mover, … Those are labels we assign all too quickly. The reality is, most often than not, that there is someone out there who has done before what you aim to accomplish. The perfect match is then to bring their experience into your organization!

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Ensuring Success - The Perfect Match

Gig executives – like interim or fractional sales leaders - help companies address skills gaps, pilot new initiatives, conserve limited resources, and tackle critical priorities! Their success is based on THE PERFECT MATCH. In short, bringing in someone who has “been there and done that.”

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