Posts tagged Professional Services
How Important Is Industry Expertise in Sales Leadership?

In conversations with clients and prospects, the subject of industry expertise often comes up. While some clients insist they need a "sales leader with deep industry experience," others will also be quick to clarify that "industry experience is a nice-to-have, but not a must-have." 

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Web Design, UI, UX Designers: Difference and Where to Hire Good Ones

There is a big difference between web design, UI, UX design. Unfortunately, most people need to understand the difference and often hire the wrong person for the job. Thus, it is essential to know the difference between the three to hire the right person.

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Scaling Draper & Olsen: Navigating the Pitfalls of a Growing Services Firm

A gifted founder CEO, often with a vague-at-best exit strategy, who’s both the lead technician and the company’s best/only salesperson. And a resistance to standardization, usually attributed to the bespoke, variable, heuristic, or technical nature of the work itself. 

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The Perils of the People Business

When Founders, Owners, or CEOs comment that their Fractional Executive did not work out, when they complain equally about hiring and firing salespeople because they didn’t perform, or when the average tenure of their first full-time sales leader is somewhere between 12 and 18 months, it often goes back to not selecting the perfect match.

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