Posts tagged pricing
The Pricing Conversation When You Sell Yourself

When you're a fractional executive, the pricing conversation is particularly delicate. Unlike traditional roles, where pricing is often standardized, fractional work is tailored to each client's needs, making the discussion about rates more complex.

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The Ultimate Checklist Before Your First Sales Hire

Imagine you are the founder, owner, or CEO of a young, ambitious company. You have developed a great new product. You have taken it to some potential clients. And some of those clients were so impressed by the product that they purchased from you.  You are now ready to go to market. 

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We Have No Money ... and It's a Lie

Speaking to a friend of mine recently, he lamented that what had seemed like a promising business opportunity a few weeks back was now just a stone wall of “We have no money.” And he went on to say that in this day and age everyone wants everything for free and that less and less people are willing to pay for good services.

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Discounting reduces the value in the eyes of your customers. And that is terrible news mid- and long-term. And even worse, it is often meaningless for the short-term. If you are successful in closing a deal by offering a discount, the psychology that is at work when you do has detrimental effects.

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