The Customer is Always …

The adage "The customer is always right" has been a cornerstone of customer service philosophies for decades. This principle suggests that businesses should prioritize customer satisfaction above all else, believing that the customer’s perspective, needs, and demands should be met to ensure loyalty and success.

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The Perfect Match is Recruiting Done Right

These professionals offer an effective alternative to traditional recruiting, consulting, or training, and certainly surpass the option of doing nothing and hoping for the best. The key to their success lies in finding the perfect match—bringing in someone who has "been there and done that."

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The Founder's Dilemma: DIY vs. Sales Experience

As a startup founder, you wear many hats, including the sales hat. In the early days of your company, you are the first salesperson. Your startup mentors at the Accelerator and your investors have told you, whether you have the experience or not, to be out there selling.

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Making the Right Talent Decision

Determining the right criteria to decide between a consultant, contractor, or full-time employee can significantly impact your business. Since the criteria might differ depending on the functional area, let me walk you through my thoughts for the sales function, specifically addressing when to hire a Sales Management Consultant, a Fractional or Interim Sales Leader, or a full-time VP of Sales.

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Strategies for Achieving Business Growth: Sales-Led vs. Product-Led Approaches

Growth is the ultimate objective for any company, and the strategies employed to achieve this growth can vary significantly. Two prominent approaches are sales-led growth and product-led growth. While both methods aim to increase revenue and expand market share, they differ in their primary focus and execution.

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The Needle Does Not Move Itself

"Move the needle" means making a noticeable, measurable change, typically a positive one. This idiom became popular in business, where the fundamental question is how to make an impact on the company. Because success in business demands significant, noticeable achievements.

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Fractional, but not Fragmented. The Future of Marketing for SMEs.

The agility that shaped the product, and the flexibility and efficiency it promises if it’s a B2B solution, are rarer outside of the design and development cultures that gave it birth. This disconnect is often apparent in marketing departments which can fail to reflect the promises of the products they promote.  

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The Best Fractional Executives Avoid the Pitfalls of Trial and Error

Unlike traditional full-time roles, fractional executives must navigate multiple clients, manage diverse expectations, and balance a more flexible yet demanding schedule. Training classes provide insights into these aspects, helping executives understand how to structure their time, set clear boundaries, and deliver value across different organizations.

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Revenue Solves All Problems

Starting, growing, and succeeding with a startup is complex and has a multitude of aspects. My simple list of just four success factors looks something like this: Product: Have a product or service with market fit. You: Work hard and smart. Team: Be a leader that people want to follow and hire people that are smarter than you. Sales!

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The Matchmaker vs The Recruiter: Who Should You Hire to Land Top Senior Talent?

What's the difference between a matchmaker and a recruiter in this context? And which path should you take to give your company the best chance at landing an A-player for those mission-critical senior roles?

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